AlyciaRose - Dream Analysis and Traveling
AlyciaRose - Dream Analysis, Traveling, Rune Cards in Kimberley. PROFESSIONAL - Radio & TV - Authentic - Honest - 30 yrs Exp. - Integrity matters - Love - Career - Money - Lost Objects - Paranormal - Past Lives - Tarot - Runes - Reiki Healing - Psychic Diagnosis - Remote Viewing - Spirit Communication - Magickal Advice - clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, precognizant ....OVER 35K READINGS & 6 YEARS ON ORANUM... Available 3pm-12mid EST most days I read on all topics including love, career, money, spirituality, past lives, spirit communication. I also offer tarot, runes, Reiki healing, psychic diagnosis, remote viewing, and spellwork. With over 30 years experience, I can help you achieve your goal I will work with you to help you in the best of my capacity to help you achieve your goals. Practice for 17 years.
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